NOTE: (CP, TM and OM are not an Acrostic of a Law Firm or the initials of the Three Stooges… on……)!!!
In troubled times, people seek comfort in many ways.

Some look deep inside themselves for the answers.  In fact, many of the great self-help gurus of the past few decades became multi-millionaires selling just that concept. From the loud navel-gazing of Tony Robbins to the teachings of eastern mysticism, all have a form of godliness…but it is the god of this world.
Some look to the sky, without knowing how to ask. In a country where almost 91% of adults have NO Biblical worldview, this is easy to grasp.
Now comes a new thing…actually a New Age thing, which more and more people inside the christian church are getting caught up in. It is the wrong kind of meditation and something called Contemplative Prayer (CP). In some circles, it is called Centering Prayer.
But is it Biblical Prayer? Is it what Jesus called for when He said “…when you pray..” three times in a row in Matthew 6:6? The conclusion is – no way!But what are the differences? Here are some of my thoughts in brief, as I attempt to get us to think about the simplicity and clarity of True Christian prayer.
Concerning CP and Christ-based Praying:
One is based on eastern mysticism, the other, not. One is based on self-realization through looking inside yourself, the other is not. One is based on emptying your mind and letting in universal “truths” in, the other is not….and on and on. One is even promoted by certain christian ‘teachers’ ….
(Image courtesy Google Images)

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