barak1A brand new Christian Inspirational and Bible Teaching TV channel has launched out of Central Illinois with such a powerful footprint in less than six months, that its management broke off SOON TV INSPIRATIONS into its on FREE Live Streaming channel, now available on your ROKU system! Now up and running from head office in Sullivan, Illinois, the new channel is called Barak TV. It is not named after the current U.S. President but is simply the Hebrew word for praise.

BARAK TV is currently seen in 19 countries and counting with Brazil leading the way. Israel, Germany and other countries make up the rest of the viewing audiences. The original programming is mixed with worldwide favorites like Dr. Charles Stanley, Dr. David Jeremiah, Joyce Meyer, Joseph Prince and others. There are also wonderful family programming and cartoons which children can actually watch that will bring back traditional family values. Christian movies will also be shown (such as Left Behind etc).


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