Pastor T. J. Hahn is the senior pastor of Riverside Baptist Church in Decatur, Illinois. He is a married and a father and a graduate of Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. T.J. comes to us after pastoring in Portland, Oregon and is a native of Columbus, Ohio – home of THE Ohio State. This deadly serious and timely message is for ALL MEN of ALL AGES. As long as we are alive on this earth, we will be tempted by sexual sin of all kinds.

How does ANY man of God respond to this evil? After he shared this message in Decatur in 2016, I requested Pastor T.J. to give the same message to our B.M.I.C. group in Springfield, Il. which he did to a large group of men. This teaching is so important, we are posting it here on the home website as well as the B.M.I.C. Facebook page. Share this with any man who you think needs to know this truth. Thank you. (BL)


Many do not believe in generational curses, but do believe in generational blessings. If you look at some of the great men of God in all history, there may be something to that. The greatest sermon in America was preached by Jonathan Edwards in 1747 in East Windsor, Connecticut. It is “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”. This sermon was read in monotone off notes by a near-sighted Pastor Edwards and 500 people got saved that day. He was the great reformed preacher from the First Great Awakening in America which led to the American Revolution, and the birth of the greatest country ever on planet earth.

Now many will say that generational curses do not apply anymore, since the Age of Grace. There is some validity to this. However, whatsoever a man sows, that shall he reap.  The principle does not change. America’s great preacher of the 18th century – Jonathan Edwards’ descendants were college presidents, and pastors. There was even one Vice President of the United States in there. There is another prominent North Eastern American family, from the same state, whose patriarch was a notorious rum runner and manipulator and womanizer….. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE