Everything done in western courtrooms had its origins in the Bible.  The system of Justice practiced in most civilized countries of the West for almost 2000 years, came from the Book of Deuteronomy and the Ten Commandments from Exodus 20. From the swearing on the Bible to the calling of witnesses- all were given by God for our current Judeo/Christian paradigm. Still when the religious authorities, who were persecuting Jesus for allegedly violating the same Law (Torah) that HE gave…..



The final hours of the Lord Jesus Christ, during His brief thirty three (33) years on earth were some of the most horrible any human being could ever face, far less the sinless Son of God! There were six, yes 6, illegal trials conducted against God Himself in the flesh, by sinful men in the ultimate act of false arrest, malfeasance, corruption and more. Due to the distasteful nature of these acts, speedy “justice” was the order of the night.

 The reason the religious and political leaders of Jerusalem moved so fast to frame, condemn and execute Jesus in such a short period of time was multi-fold.