Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full. (John 16:24)

We have heard the following many times, and have even said or thought the same ourselves that “God does not hear me, care about me or answer my prayers”. This statement is not true at all, in light of Scripture and the protocols of Abba Father, Who hears all His Children and processes in His own time and according to His own holy Will!. 


Each year, half the civilized world – millions and millions of people – make New Year’s Resolutions…only to break them by February! Yet…folks go right back and do it all over again! This is NOT what God expects from His people, believe it or not!

God is interested in Holiness, without which no one will see Him, period! Does that mean we go live in a tree like a Monk and never watch TV or eat Buffalo Wings??!! NO!! It’s a matter of the Heart.

He gave us the Gift of Christ and we get to go spend eternity with Jesus if we accept Him as Lord and Savior. But He also expects us to live a full life of Peace, Joy, Contentment and Obedience.

I did this show almost three years ago to fill in for a friend on his local TV show and was inspired by the Holy Spirit to share the process to Victorious Living…and it’s perfect to begin a new life or year or ministry with!! I say this with confidence knowing these are not my thoughts or Words and I gave Holy Spirit all the Glory! I go through steps from Repentance that leads to restoration that leads to renewal that leads to revival and rejoicing! Now, let’s be resolved to do these!! AMEN!! (BL)