Whether one is a pastor, public speaker or professional “life-coach”, there is one common denominator. The principle is this – no preparation, no power. Not being a full time pastor, but a bi-vocational ministry leader for a couple decades now in area-wide men’s ministry in Central Illinois, affords increasing opportunity to share the message of the Kingdom, in various venues (including secular ones).

Recently, the privilege to speak at my first Good Friday service was such a time. It demanded a level of preparation and prayer which has led me far into a place, I have never previously been. In reflection, it should have been the first stop. I was asked to speak on Statements 3 and 4 of the Seven Final Statements, which Christ delivered from the Cross. He made those statements just minutes before He paid the ultimate price for all sin, of all mankind, for all time.
For weeks, I struggled with how to present Statement 3 from the Cross, which can be found in John 19:26b-27: ““Woman, behold, your son!” Then He said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother!” That is, until days before I was to speak, I cried to Jesus and asked Him “Lord, these are Your Words….how do I present them at this service?

Jesus said that we, Christians, should pray to the Father “In My Name” is so much that whatever we asked, will be granted unto us.  He also said, we have not because we ask not. Prayer is the only means by which we can communicate with our great God in Heaven and the Savior. We are doubly blessed among all people in that our Savior – Jesus Christ – also intercedes for us. Now, wrap your mind around that for a second: the Creator of untold galaxies; the human body and everything that lives and breathes – prays for us! (Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them – Hebrews 7:25).

One of the most important qualities the Messiah imputed and embedded in us, is the ability to persist, press on, press forward and stay glued to Him, in prayer. Notice, He gave us the ability. For some reason, most do not access this part of the spiritual brain, choosing instead to let others pray for them when the chips are down.  But we should – God has not given us a spirit of fear but the ability to defeat it and conquer through prayer. He does want us to persist in our prayer and worship life – DAILY; Jesus gave us an example of persistence here in Luke 18:1-5:Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart,  saying: “There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man.