It is the opposite of the nature of human nature to spend much of our waking hours just marveling at the goodness of God. Some come close, as we mature in our walk with Christ, most compartmentalize their entire Faith system.  Putting one’s faith on a shelf, because one is afraid of being classified as a “Jesus Freak” or a “bible thumper” is more dangerous to the person who does it, than the majority who mock us.  We see what happens with a florist who stands up for biblical marriage.

We see what happens to the best neuro-surgeon ever in the world, when he talks about his salvation in Christ, in the public arena. We see what happens when a football coach takes a knee and prays with this team during practice, even when none of the team objects….and on and on. There is a huge problem in the academic and intellectual, as well as media elite towards the ordinary folk who believe in God and trust in Christ as Lord and master.  The only time of each year, we seem to be not under ridicule, from them,  is around Christmas and Easter.


A wolf does not usually go after an entire flock of sheep…nor will any other beast of prey. They will try and key in on one particular potential victim, try to draw it away from the herd and then pounce.

It is this way with so many. In a world where we have so much noise, distraction, social networking and mobility, folks are more isolated than ever. We have so much more to do with our busy lives, yet hardly not a moment of peace! It is uncanny. It is almost as if there is a trap laid for us, at any moment, and many get caught up.

You and I have been through this kind of thing, at one time or another. We would be in a crowd of people and still feel rejection; less than the others there and like that sheep who suddenly got lost in the thicket, while our heads were down on the ground, grazing on or living life.

Christians feel this way, as well as anyone else. I know people who go to larger churches, so they could get lost in the crowd and maybe no one will speak to them. The majority of American churches have 60 or less in attendance, and still there are folks isolated there, as well.

So, we know this happens. The question is, what do we do about it – both for ourselves and others. We need to know how to combat this when the enemy lies to us and tells us that no one cares for or loves us.  Once we have mastered that, we then help someone else.  To start that process, I sought out Psalm 91:2 after much meditation last night. Here are two verses in context, below. They contain a 50 cal. gun against despair which we can fire right now, as I, briefly break it out in part: